For junior, eLearning means much less driving time

Ty Walsh says he saves about $200 in gas money each month

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Junior Ty Walsh is spending much less time in his car now that classes are online.

For students on the Hill, eLearning can bring both a series of challenges and victories, the latter of which provides examples such as more time to sleep in, no finals, and for some students who make a long drive to the Hill each day, more time at home and less time at the gas pump. 

Junior Ty Walsh says that he spends “close to an hour and a half on a normal day, driving to and from school.”

While some students may enjoy a relaxing car ride to wake up on the way to campus, others say it takes time out of their day, time that could be used to work on homework or to catch up on sleep after a night out. That time could also be spent on activities outside of school such as clubs or sports.

Walsh said, “I have been occupying my time with sleeping because during the school day before eLearning started, I wasn’t getting enough sleep to keep up during the day,” Walsh said. “After school I mostly relax or have a meeting with a teacher until around the time school would normally end, and then at 3:30 p.m. I begin my homework”

Walsh also said that he saves around $200 a month in gas when he doesn’t have to drive to school every day. 

Altogether, Walsh said he believes that eLearning is something that relies solely on the responsibility of each individual student. “Students should use the time given to them to complete their assignments and activities,” he said. “We shouldn’t put less effort into school. It’s necessary and a huge part of people’s lives. We should take advantage of the resources and teachers available to us before we no longer have them before us.”