Remaining retreats for this semester postponed

Bozzelli-Levine shares reasoning behind this decision

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Members of the Class of 2024 participate in the freshman retreat earlier this school year.

Due to the Marion County Health Department mandates that all schools switch to online instruction for the remainder of the semester, all retreats scheduled during this time have been postponed.  

“Our reactions (to hosting retreats) are at the advice of the Marion County Health Department, so Cathedral wants to be in line with that to keep the school safe, but our first goal is to make sure we get as many kids as we can on retreat,” campus minister Mrs. Sara Bozzelli-Levine said. That is the reason that retreats have been postponed, not canceled. 

Each retreat has a title and the events that take place focus on this title. For juniors, the title is “Rejoicing in Your Own God Given Strength.”  The retreats are structured with student-to-student talks about faith as well as discussions with larger groups. The junior retreats take place at Brunette Park. “It was a structured retreat. It was going to be interesting, built in with these talks working on our inner God given gifts,” Bozzelli-Levine said.

Many of the sophomore, junior and senior retreats have been postponed while freshmen were able to have their retreat at the beginning of October.