Freshmen will continue to meet with their mentors

Online learning, end of semester bring change for Class of ’24

Danica Morningstar

Earlier in the school year, senior peer mentors gathered with the freshmen on the football practice field.

Senior peer mentors have assisted freshmen all semester to help them make the transition to high school, and while those freshmen knew they would not meet with their mentors during second semester, that in-person relationship might have ended a little earlier than expected due to the switch to online learning.

However, freshman resource will continue to meet the rest of the semester via Zoom, which will give the senior peer mentors continued opportunities to assist members of the Class of 2024.

Miss Katie Klee, who along with chemistry teacher Mr. Howard Fogel, coordinates the peer mentor program, noted the strange year during which the freshmen have had to find new ways to adapt. In the second semester, they might experience challenges. Klee said “(Freshmen) might need something academically, socially or emotionally, and our hope is that they know they can still turn to their peer mentor in person or via text.”

While the seniors are not in resource with their freshman mentees, they will enroll in a class during second semester. Klee said, “During this time (seniors) will be taking a religion class instead of being in a resource with freshmen.”

This semester has looked much different than others in the past, but the seniors have done their best to serve as role models in such difficult times. “This year mentors have modeled excellence in this environment. They have been very responsible to help keep us in school,” Klee said.

Klee noted that the lack of routine second semester contact with their senior peer mentors will give the members of the Class of 2024 an opportunity for growth. Klee said, “Mr. Fogel and I have been grateful and proud of the leadership in an unusual time with coming in and out of eLearning.”

For the last few weeks of the semester with the entire school on eLearning, Klee said peer mentors will be able to assist their freshmen during resource by meeting on Zoom.