Virtual Open House set for Nov. 12

Students will learn more about their potential high school

Every current Cathedral student, at one point in their past, was a nervous eighth grader facing the “Which high school do I attend?” decision. The choice, daunting and difficult, is made challenging by a surplus of information being thrown around as well as constant pressure to make the right choice. 

Open House always has provided a way for prospective students to see this campus first hand, but in the midst of Covid-19, the annual event this year will take place virtually.

This school recognizes that the true value and appeal of this campus cannot be wholly represented on a website or even understood in the course of a shadow visit, thus, the annual Open House. Associate director of admissions Mrs. Beth Wissler said, “(Open House) includes the opportunity to have one-to-one interactions with many of our departments and faculty members,” allowing for a “more personal introduction to Cathedral, our students and our faculty.” 

Wissler said, “This virtual option will give potential families the feel of Cathedral without the risk to their health or our students’ health.” In the past, dozens of students volunteered to escort visitors around campus, but that practice may not be safe this year. 

Still, the virtual Open House will enable prospective students to truly understand the character of Cathedral and decide if this is the place for them. The Open House will serve to “showcase our Holy Cross mission and how we develop our students into future leaders,” Wissler said.

Wissler notes her excitement and anticipation of success. She said, “The admissions department has been using this virtual format successfully all year.” 

Families may register for the virtual Open House at this website.