Students continue to adjust to lunch service changes

Wright issues a reminder to buy lunch in your assigned area

Caroline Schilling

During B period on Nov. 5, students wait in line for lunch in Loretto Hall.

This school year, the cafeteria was changed to a classroom, leaving lunch to be elsewhere. Due to this change, satellite locations have been placed around campus so students are still able to purchase lunches.

School Innovation Team member and advanced physical education teacher Mr. Aundrey Wright sent an email to students regarding the expectations for lunch.

In his email, designated locations and timing of lunches is mentioned. He wrote, “Lunch lines were very crowded and it became harder and harder to keep students socially distanced and safe. Students were wandering from satellite location to satellite location in search of food.”

Students were unable to socially distance in these locations, so staff made procedures to find a fix. Wright wrote, “Social distancing is a major issue for not just Cathedral, but our entire country during these times of Covid. Our Number-1 objective is to keep our students safe and in school.”

To implement social distancing to lunches, procedures have been placed to limit the amount of people in a location at a time.

Students are to report to class first and are not allowed to go to a location until the tardy bell rings, students who are not in class at this time are tardy, students are to go only to their satellite location based on their class location and they must have their student ID or temporary sticker.

The procedures are intended to ensure that the students and staff stay safe while purchasing their lunch. Wright wrote, “Covid has made getting lunch a longer process for students overall, but we’ve tried to make it as time efficient as possible.”