Task force continues its work to ensure a safe campus

School follows changing procedures and protocols

Cathedran file photo

Teachers have been issued supplies they are using to clean their own rooms.

The safety task force, headed by Ms. Kathy Saum, vice principal for student conduct and attendance, said the group worked all summer to ensure a safe opening of the school, and that work continues as the semester progresses.

Saum said, “We purchased all the cleaning materials and found the best ones, we designed the one-way hallway systems and changed bus and assembly seating.” Along with these changes the safety task force has limited the number of students allowed in a classroom to 22.

The safety task focuses on keeping students and educators healthy and safe and stays up to date with protocols. “(The task force) was made up quickly in March consisting of administration, teachers, staff and parents,” Saum said, who noted that the task force includes the school nurse.

Saum said that the group continues to monitor county and state guidelines and can change procedures from more strict to less as needed. “With the dimmer switch we can lock down and get stricter or get more relaxed,” Saum said, referring to on campus instruction not as either completely on or completely off, but more like a switch that be dimmed or brightened.

Saum said, “I am grateful as a task force and administration because of how we’ve taken this crisis and been able to work together to stay open.”