Social studies teacher explains Nov. 3 voting process

Twilleager describes expectations at polling locations

As we rapidly approach the election on Nov. 3, social studies teacher Mrs. Jill Twilleager provided some insight into the polling experience.

To find your polling location, Twilleager said, “Once you register to vote, (your voter ID) will be mailed to you and that will have your location on it. They do change location from time to time, so the best thing to do is to go to”

By accessing, Twilleager said, “I get an opportunity to see my ballot. So I can preview my ballot going into my vote. Therefore, If there are people or positions that are running for office that I don’t know, such as the county treasurer or a councilman that I may not know, I can educate myself on the position and both people who are running for that position.”

Upon arrival at your voting location, Twilleager said, “You are going to see tons of political campaign signs out and around your polling place. It’s kind of that last ditch effort to get name recognition.” Voters at different times of the day might see someone campaigning or working the polls for a candidate as well.

To keep from pressure and bias, Twilleager said, “You will see a piece of tape normally marked on the sidewalk. That piece of tape on the sidewalk tells anyone that’s campaigning for a candidate that they can’t cross that line.”

When entering the building, Twilleager described what to expect. “You are now going up to the first poll worker, and that poll worker will have you sign a registration book. I am going to tell him my name and my address. In the state of Indiana it is law that I must have a voter ID card. And that voter ID card has to be a state issued identification card. You can’t use your passport because that is nationally issued,” she said. Your school ID also is not valid for the purpose of voting.

If you do not have a driver’s license, you can get a state ID card at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for $9. The BMV will have extended hours on Oct. 31 and Nov. 2

On Election Day on Nov. 3, the polls open in Indiana from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. As long as you are in line by 6 pm, you are permitted to vote,” Twilleager said.  “In Indiana we do what is known as an Australian ballot, which is a secret ballot. I vote for who I want. I review everything that is on there. I hit submit and I’m done.”

Twilleager said she does not expect many major changes to the voting process because of Covid-19. However, she said, “You are going to see your polling location try their hardest to keep people distanced.” Poll workers also will clean the voting booths after each use.

Twilleager concluded with a message for all new voters, saying, “I would really encourage someone who hasn’t voted yet to go in and take a moment and just know when you push that button you get to voice your opinion for what government can do for you.”