Weight room guidelines ensure student safety

Coach Johnson notes improvement in focus, discipline

Will Mayer

Students using the weight room on the second level of the Welch Activity Center adhere to Covid-19 guidelines.

Sports performance coach Mr. Cody Johnson said that the weight room in the Welch Activity Center has seen some changes due to the pandemic but “students have done a great job adhering to the Covid-19 protocols,” Johnson wrote in an email.

Johnson said that the changes to the weight room have followed health department guidelines. “Students do not share equipment outside their group. All equipment that is touched during a workout is cleaned appropriately after each class. Covid-19 protocols have limited some of the variety in movement selection, but the changes have been minimal,” Johnson said. 

When it comes to the concerns of the sanitary condition of the weight room, Johnson said, “(The weight room) is cleaned after each class, but we also use a professional grade fogger two to three times each week.” 

While the students wait the suggested five minutes until it’s time to wipe down equipment after spraying it, Johnson said, “Most of the time we focus on bodyweight movements and/or core specific workouts during that time, so students are not utilizing any equipment.”

Focus in classes can be difficult while trying to protect oneself from obtaining the virus during the school day, but Johnson said, “In my opinion, focus and discipline (in the weight room) have improved during this time.”