Missing something? Check lost and found

In the student services suite in Kelly, McGruder is here to help

Earlier this school year, Mrs. Angela McGruder sent an email with this image trying to track down the owners of these shoes. At least both the left and right shoe had been turned in. That is not always the case.

Photo submitted

Earlier this school year, Mrs. Angela McGruder sent an email with this image trying to track down the owners of these shoes. At least both the left and right shoe had been turned in. That is not always the case.

Have you recently parted ways with a singular UGG boot? Is it possible that you are missing your favorite pair of underwear? Rest assured that you are not alone.

This campus, complete with three distinct buildings and two sizable parking lots, is without a doubt extensive. Navigating through a school this big, students and staff alike misplace items all the time.

If you lose something throughout the day, don’t fall into mourning automatically. Mrs. Angela McGruder, official keeper of both the lost and found, likely has your back.

McGruder has been in charge of the lost and found for all 12 years of her time on the Hill. This year, the lost and found collection is located in the lockers outside of the student services/attendance office. Students in search of a missing item can go to McGruder for help.

Though the lost and found has seen some interesting objects over the years, McGruder notes that the most common items turned in are uniform sweatshirts. If you think you may be missing one of yours, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look.