It may be Mission Monday, but it’s still a spirit day

On the second day of Homecoming, crazy hats is the theme

With countless Covid-19 restrictions, it was a little more of a challenge this year for Student Council co-moderator Mr. Ed Freije ’99 and StuCo members to come up with a full week of dress up themes and dates.

But they did.

Freije and StuCo had to plan this year’s Homecoming week themes, but with Covid-19 and Mission Mondays, it became a little bit harder. Freije said, “Mission Monday, being that we weren’t in school, we had to be a little bit creative about how we could incorporate into a virtual setting.”

Student Council co-moderators Mrs. Kim Jamell and Mr. Matt Cannaday helped choose the themes as well. Freije said, “The Student Council members are the big part of it. Ultimately, the students come up with the ideas and we as moderators chime in and maybe scratch off some things.”

It took the Student Council three or four Zoom meetings to finalize the themes. Freije said, “We started in the summer. It’s been more complicated to meet.” The Student Council meets on Mission Mondays. They used to meet during flex, but there is no flex this year.

Dress up days started on Oct. 2 with all-out Irish and continue during Homecoming week from Oct. 5 to Oct. 9. Students are still permitted to dress up on Mission Monday for crazy hat day. “We wanted to keep the spirit intact; we didn’t want to just lose out on that day. Just like with other things, if we thought there was a way to do it we were going to try and do it,” Freije said.