Meet the Junior Class president
Reese Sanders will lead the Class of 2022
Junior Reese Sanders will serve as this year’s class president.
Reese Sanders has been elected the president of the Class of 2022. She answered a Megaphone reporter’s questions about her role.
How do you run for class president? You run for class president by filling out an application and attaching a 30-second video explaining how you will distribute excellence through all the duties you will obtain.
What is the campaign process like for class president? At first, I just campaigned to become a class officer. I made little collages of me running because I’m a cross-country runner. On the collage, it said, “running for class officer.” When I was in the running for class president, I made another collage with me cheering because I’m also a cheerleader. The cheerleading collage said, “I am here to cheer you on.” I posted both these collages on my personal Instagram account.
How is a class president elected? A president is elected by the students of the class. There is a survey sent out to everyone in the grade and we can vote on four people to be chosen as class officers. The person with the most votes to be one of the class officers is then chosen to be the class president. This year, there was a four-way tie. There was a second survey, and the grade only could choose one to be the class president.
What responsibilities does a president take on? The class president has responsibilities of helping with prom, Homecoming week, Winterfest, Irish 500, fundraisers, and any events that may occur. I am responsible for being a good, respectful representative of my class.
What drew you to student government? I felt like our class needed a little bit more push and enthusiasm. I felt like I could help our grade be more successful in school spirit activities. I want our class to feel closer, especially during these hard times where we are told to stay away from one another, literally, as in six feet.
How long have you been involved with student government? This is my first year being involved with the student government.
Who do you work with as a class president? As class president, I work with the class officers. The Junior Class officers and president work with the faculty moderators, Mrs. Lisa Blamey and Ms. Laurie O’Brien.
What do you plan to do as class president? As class president, I plan to take it day by day and to just be someone students can come to or talk to if they need it. I plan to have more open communication with the class, as I have already started an Instagram account. I plan to increase school spirit and hopefully do better at this year’s Homecoming.
Are you involved in any other activities at Cathedral? Yes. I am on the women’s cross- country team, cheer team and track team.

Julia Hurley is a freshman and a reporter for the Megaphone. At Cathedral, she sings in the concert choir and plans to participate in theater. In her free...