Yes, you still can take a shadow visit here

Enrollment coordinator notes changes made in light of Covid-19

A mass shadow day, such as last year's sibling event, will not occur this year, but students still can spend a day on campus.

Photo submitted

A mass shadow day, such as last year’s sibling event, will not occur this year, but students still can spend a day on campus.

Traditionally, shadowing has been a fundamental aspect of the decision-making process for any eighth grader looking to attend school on the Hill. Enrollment Management Coordinator Mrs. Maribeth Cloud ‘86 said, “It is one of the most important steps in the admissions process.”

But in 2020, “traditional” isn’t in the lexicon.

Even with Covid-19 restrictions, Cloud said that students will still have the opportunity to “pray with us, attend class and discover our beautiful campus.” However, each visit will be tailored to the student’s interests and will last from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Cloud said, “Our main focus is the health and safety of our visitors with our current students and educators. We have collaborated with our academic leaders and have developed a safe and beneficial visit.” The maximum number of visitors has been limited to 10 per day, and classrooms that have enough space to accommodate have been identified.

Cloud said, “The last thing we want to do is bring additional risks to our current students and educators, but it is also important for us to welcome a Freshman Class for next year.”