Meet the Teacher Night continues in virtual format
Now online, event aims to help inform parents
Multimedia specialist Mr. Tyler McClure ‘08 helped make virtual Meet the Teacher Night a reality.
Meet the Teacher night, a sign that school is in full swing, has continued this year despite taking on a significantly different format.
Although in a slightly different manner than usual, multimedia specialist Mr. Tyler McClure ‘08 said he believes that Meet the Teacher Night will continue to serve the parents and students on the Hill.
Meet the Teacher Night has historically been an event in which parents learn about their students’ teachers as well as their classes. “Previously, it was all in person,” McClure said. “Teachers would be in (their classrooms), and basically, the parents would come.”
But in the age of Covid-19, parents will meet teachers via video.
“Each teacher had to record a video of two or three minutes talking about their class,” McClure said. “Basically, the parents would have their student’s class schedule and they’d just search for their teacher and watch the little video.”
Information has been shared in the parents newsletter, and McClure said that the videos will be posted and accessible for the remainder of the year. They can be found on the school website.
According to McClure, it appears that virtual Meet the Teacher will make a positive impact on families on the Hill. “It’s a good way for the parents to put a name with a face for the teachers and learn a little bit more about them. It lets the teachers’ personality kind of come through.” McClure said. “It gives a little more context to the teacher.”