Covid-19 rules affect football Senior Night fans
Lottery system goes into effect for Sept. 18 game at Arlington
The varsity football team took on and defeated Bishop Chatard earlier in the season.
On Sept. 18, the undefeated and top-ranked varsity football team will take on Cincinnati (Ohio) St. Xavier on the Arlington field. However, due to Covid-19, in-person attendance for the game is extremely limited.
According to an email from Athletics Director Mr. Streiff that was sent to football families, current circumstances have severely restricted the number of available tickets per game throughout this football season. Despite efforts to maximize attendance and fill the stands, guidelines set by the Marion County Health Department must be followed.
Prioritizing health and safety in the community has taken precedence over having a large fan base. This school’s ticket sales and distribution look very different this week, taking into account a notably limited ticket quantity.
As it will be Senior Night, families of senior players are being allotted four extra tickets by the athletics department. Football families have already been offered the opportunity to purchase a maximum of two wristbands each, which is equivalent to two tickets, to the upcoming St. Xavier, Cincinnati (Ohio) LaSalle, and Brebeuf Jesuit games. Taking these tickets out of the equation, few are left for the student section.
The administration has chosen to prioritize the Senior Class and distribute 50 tickets to recipients of a senior-only lottery. Seniors entered into the lottery on Sept. 10 at noon. For the next three games, 50 random seniors will win a ticket to the game. Other students will have to tune into radio coverage or view the game on television.

Senior Ellie Schnur is a reporter for the Megaphone. She is a member of the varsity soccer team, varsity lacrosse team and the peer mentoring Program....

I am a member of the Cathedran yearbook staff, but I also shoot photos for the newspaper. I have taken several photography classes at Cathedral. I have...