Along with team, football trainers make adjustments

Changes include traveling to games, handing out uniforms

Kylee Lucas

Football managers, from left, seniors Lisa Fallouh, Eilya Mayo and Julia Reasginer, have adjusted to changes in the routines due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Football coaches, players, trainers and others have been adapting to the changes made to the season. 

Senior and football trainer Julia Reasinger has adapted to these changes while still helping the team. “We’ve done pretty good with keeping all of us together,” Reasinger said.

To ensure that everyone stays safe, changes have been made which are impacting the athletes and others, while pushing the players to play their best and stay safe. “I feel like (changes) will be pretty constant and right now we have reached a point of this is what we will do for the rest of the year,” Reasinger said. 

In the past, trainers would attend each practice, but with current guidelines in place, they are allowed only at one practice a week and they cannot be on the field during those practices.

During travel, bags are used whereas in the past, trainers directly handed their belongings. These bags help to stop the spread of germs. There are also additional transportation options. “We take an extra player bus and an extra shuttle and we use travel bags instead of just giving out their jerseys and pants,” Reasinger said. 

There appear to be few complaints from athletes because the routine has stayed relatively typical for them, but the administration is dealing with challenges and issues. “It’s more on the administrative side and they are feeling the impact of this, not really on the players.” Reasinger said, alluding to the process for distributing a small number of tickets to a large and enthusiastic fan base. 

In previous games and for future contests, players will adapt to these changes while striving to stay safe and healthy. Reasinger said, “The players all want to play, and the coaches all want to make sure we are still staying in season. They’re doing everything they can to keep on playing.”