Substitutes provide support for online instructors

Weber: “I’m the body in the room”

Photo submitted

Before school on Sept. 15, Ms. Amy Weber sets up the computer in English teacher Mrs. Melinda Bundy’s classroom.

More than 175 students are not the only people on campus who have opted to remain off campus for instruction. Two teachers are teaching their classes from home, with key assistance of substitute teachers.

Ms. Amy Weber ’93 has taken the role of sub in Room 2316 while English teacher Mrs. Melinda Bundy instructs her classes from home. This change gave Weber little time to prepare, but she wanted to help. “The week before school started it was brought to my attention,” Weber said about the need for a substitute to work with Bundy and her students.

Bundy’s absence puts more responsibility on Weber. She must carry out the classroom necessities that can be done only in person, such as monitoring student sign in and sign outs, supervising her class during fire drills, making sure Zoom is pulled up and passing out papers. Weber said, “I’m the body in the room and (Bundy’s) still doing all the teaching,” Weber said.

The biggest adjustments to the class includes how students turn in assignments. Students would previously submit them to Bundy in person but with her being online, submissions through Schoology have been used more often. Weber said, “Before she would’ve passed out papers, but now she’s having to upload the assignment.”

Although this could be looked at as a temporary solution, no one is sure how long this will last, although Bundy has indicated she hopes to return by the end of the first quarter. “Right now I’m prepared to be here for the whole semester,” Weber said.

Although the situation may not be ideal, it has its positive effects. “It is wonderful that Mrs. Bundy can still be teaching from home and that Class of 2024 gets to experience her,” Weber said.

Weber and Mrs. Megan Schmidt rotate days to make sure that all of Bundy’s classes are covered.