Annual student fundraiser is now underway
Fogel notes changes caused by Covid-19
Mr. Howard Fogel outlined changes to this year’s annual student fundraiser.
The annual student raffle is now the student online fundraiser — at least for this year.
Chemistry teacher Mr. Howard Fogel, who serves as the school’s philanthropy director, said, “Because of Covid this year, we didn’t feel it was appropriate for our students to try and sell raffle tickets. So we shifted the model a little bit. The student fundraiser is going to be a direct ask from our students to family, friends, and whoever they can.”
Fogel admitted that “we’re asking (students) to do something that’s really challenging. We are asking them to directly ask for money.” But he said he felt that students should sell their passions and their love for Cathedral rather than just ask for money.
Fogel described the fundraiser as an online platform on which each student can create their own video. He said, “We want each kid to sell what makes Cathedral unique to them.”
The typical incentives for selling have stayed the same. Once a student has raised half of the required amount they can wear sweats or jeans with a spirit shirt and once the full $250 is raised, students earn a a day off school on Oct. 21, which extends their fall break by one day.
The goal every year is to raise $160,000 toward tuition assistance, Fogel said he felt that it is important for the students to give back and this is a great way to do that. Fogel said that while “part of the money goes towards tuition assistance” after raising $160,000, “the other part goes towards clubs, sports and activities they do every year.”
Fogel noted, “Change is always scary, but I think at the same time we’ve put a lot of thought and effort into doing what’s best for the kids. This is hard, but we’re Cathedral. We’re pretty strong.”

Jake Langdon is a member of the Class of 2021. He is a reporter and videographer. He plays running back for the varsity football team and runs hurdles...