Principal announces change to daily schedule

Mission Mondays will involve all classes meeting via Zoom

Ava Amos

Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel has announced a change to the academic schedule that will begin o Aug. 31.

Yet another change has been added to the Hill’s ongoing list of modifications—Mission Mondays. 

Every Monday instead of coming to school, students will be in classes virtually. All classes will meet and will last 30 minutes through Zoom. The day will start at 8:50 a.m. and end at 2:20 p.m. According to an all-school email sent by Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel, “Mission Mondays’ many benefits are integrating social/emotional supports, virtual tutoring, office hours with teachers, clubs, prayer services and more. We also think it will benefit seeing teachers without masks and building relationships in one eLearning community.”

Those students who have not opted for full-time online instruction, about 900 freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors, will return to the Hill for regular in-person classes the rest of the week. Several students reacted to the principal’s announcement of the schedule change. 

Senior Alexis Parchman said, “I like the idea of Mission Mondays because we get to start school late and leave early and we get a three-day weekend.”

Senior Salaar Mirza said, “I personally like Mission Monday because you can do things on your own time and the days are shorter, so we get more rest.”

Senior Grace Straley said, “I like Mission Mondays because I get out of school earlier, but I don’t like it because it’s only one day a week.”

Barthel was not immediately available to conduct an interview with the Megaphone staff to provide further information. However, in her email she noted that the three-day weekends will allow workers to perform a deep cleaning of the entire campus, making the school more safe for both students and educators.