Report cards will be emailed on June 1

Quarters 3 and 4 and second semester grades will be listed

Cathedran file photo

Students and parents will be able to check school email on June 1 to access second semester grades.

As the semester comes to a close, report cards are set to come out on June 1.

Interim Vice Principal for Academics Mr. Mark Matthews explained in an email how the process will work. Matthews said, “Report cards will be sent electronically a few days later after everyone has had the chance to check them for accuracy.” This will allow students to turn in assignments and teachers to submit any final grades before transcripts are updated.

Quarter 4, which has been done entirely through eLearning, will appear on report cards. Matthews said, “Quarter 4 will be on the report card, as will the Semester II grade, which is the official grade recorded on students’ permanent transcripts.”

If there are any mistakes or issues regarding the report cards, Matthews advises students to reach out to the teachers first. “If that doesn’t resolve the issue, then students can contact their counselors,” Matthews said.

While the school has gone through many changes to adjust to online classes, the report cards will not be largely affected. “eLearning does have its challenges,” Matthews said, “but because our report cards are reported and stored electronically, the process for teachers to report grades and for our technology department to check and store them is pretty much the same.”

“As far as the COVID-19 crisis is concerned, it has been difficult for everyone,” Matthews said, but he remarked how impressed he was with the students and their continued efforts these past couple of months. He said, “The Cathedral family has been working really hard to make the end of the semester as good as possible.”