Shiel Student Life Center repair completed

Installation of lift station should address flooding problem

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Work has been completed on a new lift station for the Shiel Student Life Center.

Although seemingly ages ago, it was just last month that administrators were trying to address the water problem, leaks and flooding in Shiel Student Life Center.

Chief Operating Officer Mr. Rolly Landeros said that the old lift station, which is necessary for proper water function, was the problem causing the SLC to flood. There were plans put in place for a new lift station to be assembled during spring break, but it was unclear whether the SLC would be the first item on the agenda to be fixed after the fallout with the coronavirus.

Despite the effects of the coronavirus on closing campus for students, Landeros wrote in an email that the repairs on the SLC were not halted and the new lift repair station has been installed and is functioning properly.

Landeros added that the project was expensive, saying it cost “(a) lot, more than we wanted to pay, but it was necessary.”

Landeros said that the SLC is now ready for when students return, with that date is still pending. When students can step foot on campus again, though, they will not have to see anymore yellow tape on the bathroom doors in the SLC or on the floors above it.