April 25 prom canceled; reschedule is undetermined

Vice principal: No firm decision until campus reopens

Lauryn Woods

Prom goers hit the dance floor at last yea’s event at Crane Bay.

The prom, which was scheduled for April 25 at the Crane Bay Event Center, will not take place on that day or in that place, according to English teacher Mrs. Lisa Blamey, who is the prom co-moderator.

However, whether this year’s prom will or will not occur is still up in the air.

With Gov. Eric Holcomb’s recent announcement to extend the closure of all schools in the state until at least May 1, and perhaps beyond, there remain persisting unanswered questions regarding a host of events, performances, athletic seasons and more that have been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.

For Cathedral, as well as many other schools, this extended cancellation jeopardized plans for prom. Seeing as the school and all school-related activities will be shut down during that period, the administration is being forced to re-evaluate the plans and timeline for prom.

Blamey, who along with co-moderator Ms. Laurie O’Brien and the Junior Class officers, is responsible for organizing this year’s prom, is working to resolve many prom-related questions that are unfortunately still largely unanswered.

“The theme ‘Garden of Lights’ was voted on by the Junior Class officers and prom committee,” Blamey said. “We wanted to use a theme that would create a unique setting. Buses and chaperones had been secured to transport kids to and from prom.”

Blamey, class officers and the school’s administration are working to figure out logistical questions such as ticket sales, possible dates and even deciding if prom ultimately needs to be completely canceled if the coronavirus pandemic is not resolved sooner rather than later.

Vice Principal Ms. Kathy Saum also shed light on the current decision making process regarding prom. “We had to cancel the site since we will not be having prom on the original date and we had to get our deposit on the site back,” she said. “No decisions have been made yet as to what we will do ultimately. It is a ‘wait and see’ until we return.” That deposit now will be applied to the 2021 prom.

Senior Garrett Wright shared his thoughts on potentially missing his last high school prom. “It is a really tough situation, as this is our senior prom,” he said. “I think I can speak for everyone when I say it would be a bummer if it did get canceled.”

Another senior, Grace Kemp, had similar reaction. “I’m really sad about it,” she said. “I was really looking forward to prom and we won’t really have another chance to go to prom senior year. I hope it doesn’t get canceled; I can’t return my dress now, but I also cannot pick it up because of the quarantine.”