From Mrs. Barthel: A message to students

Principal offers words of encouragement, praise, thanks

Gracie Carr

Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel

Hello Cathedral students:

I just wanted to tell you how extremely proud I am of you for how you have transitioned to eLearning. These are unprecedented times and there is no roadmap for what we are experiencing in our educational journeys right now… but you are getting it done. You are submitting assignments, joining Google hangouts, creating amazing content, writing newspaper stories and so much more. I am most proud of the way you are reaching out and supporting each other.

I have also  seen so many beautiful things you have put out in the world via social media. You are truly examples of educating hearts and minds.

I hope you have a safe and blessed spring break. Take time to get outside, enjoy God’s beauty and know that the Cathedral teachers and administrators are here for you… let us know how we can help you and support you!

Have a great break!

Go Irish!

Mrs. Barthel