Students react to extension of school shutdown

Governor’s order could be extended through semester’s end

Students reacted to the March 19 announcement that Gov. Eric Holcomb that all Indiana school would be closed through May 1. For Cathedral, that means the originally announced restart date would not occur until May 4.

Senior Giorgia Pasquiellini was upset when the news broke. “I understand why we have to take these precautions, and that it’s best for all of us,” she said. “However, I hate that I won’t be able to see my friends or favorite teachers during the last months I have at Cathedral. It just feels like we have been cheated out of the best semester of high school.”

Junior Will Teasley expressed similar feelings. “When I first heard the news of the governor’s announcement, I was immediately upset,” he said. “I recognize that it is outside of my control, but I will miss seeing my friends over the coming months.”

During his announcement, Holcomb indicated that is possible the rest of the academic year could be canceled and students would not return to school at all this spring. In addition, Holcomb also signed other executive orders to expand unemployment insurance benefits for those who have lost their jobs as a result of the virus, and the state is working to provide economic protections for small businesses. In his press conference, Holcomb said his administration is “being thoughtful about how to approach every action we are taking in this national public health emergency and putting Hoosier’s health and safety first.”

The Indiana Department of Education also announced that all state tests, including ISTEP, have been canceled for the year.