Students, teachers reconsider spring break plans

Spanish teacher’s annual family cruise is in jeopardy

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Mrs. Karen Hovanec, top left, and her fellow 2019 spring break travelers in Roatan, Honduras about to go zip lining.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep the nation resulting in the closing of schools restaurants and the canceling of school, college and professional sports, students, teachers and administrators now are rethinking their spring break plans.

Junior Camille Holtrey had planned on going out of the country to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, and she shared her thoughts about her trip. She said, “I am kind of scared to leave but I know (there is) a small chance of (me) getting it. I know that it affects everyone differently, so it might affect me differently than someone else.”

Spanish teacher Mrs. Karen Hovanec had planned on taking a seven-day cruise with her son, Luke, who is 10 years old. They’re also planning on traveling with family friends, the Wrights. “This is our fourth year of cruising together,” Hovanec said. “We leave out of New Jersey and we have stops in Florida and the Bahamas, and also on the Royal Carribean private island,” she said.

At this point Hovanec said they are unsure whether they are going. She said, “I think the next couple weeks will be really crucial in how things develop. Obviously, I don’t want to put my family in any jeopardy or danger, and more than anything I fear the 14-day quarantine if something would go wrong,” Hovanec said.

However, she said she, her son and the families they are traveling with are all healthy and not in the high-risk categories. She added that she is going to wait and see how things shake out in the next 10 or so days before she makes a final decision on whether she will cancel their trip or not.

She said, “Cruises are notorious for the spread of viruses. It’s a lot of people in the same space. But just like everything else, proper hygiene helps a lot and just some common sense precautions that you can take. I get why they need to be careful and I’m pretty cautious when it comes to most things, so it’s understandable. I know they want to slow the spread of this virus as much as they can.”