Summer school scheduled for June 2 to June 25

Courses offer options for incoming freshmen, upperclassmen

Cathedran file photo

Director of counseling Mr. Duane Emery met with seniors during the college boot camp last August. He provided information about summer school this June.

As registration for summer school closes, Mr. Duane Emery, director of counseling and director of financial aid, said, “If you didn’t sign up this year, it’s a great opportunity to think about next year.”

Summer school is scheduled to start on June 2 and end on June 25.

Emery said, “It’s a great way to help with meeting graduation requirements, schedule flexibility, getting familiar with the campus and meeting new friends.”

There are multiple classes being offered in several different subjects including French I, government, health, journalistic writing, physical education, Spanish I, speech, first semester Theology 11, second semester Theology 12, summer English and summer math.

Emery said, “The Spanish I option is a hybrid class. The hybrid classes include some face-to-face time and some online learning.”

The French I class and the journalistic writing classes have been newly added to the summer school options.

Emery said, “The French I class is designed for students that are possibly able to test out of French I.” This would allow the student to take French II during the 2020-2021 school year.

The journalistic writing class is the other course new to the summer school program. Emery said, “It is a prerequisite for (yearbook and newspaper) classes. It satisfies graduation requirements for composition, which can create more schedule flexibility.”

The two Bridges for Success classes are the summer English and summer math. Emery said, “These options are for (incoming) freshmen required to take them academically.”

Emery said, “It depends on the student which classes are most beneficial to take during the summer instead of during the school year.”

In June, the morning session will take place from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and the afternoon session will begin at noon and end at 3:30 p.m.

Emery said, “The cost per class is $500 except the Spanish I class, which is $250 and the summer English and math, which is $100.”

While students are required to wear their uniforms, lanyards are not necessary.

On the first or second day of summer school, Emery said that incoming freshmen will complete their technology onboarding.

Emery said the absence policy states that “students can only miss up to two days before it will negatively impact their grade.”

More information about summer school may be found at this site.