Clocks set to change for Daylight Saving Time

Public address system allows simultaneous reset

Megaphone file photo

The plan is to have all clocks on campus showing the correct time when students arrive to school on Nov. 8.

Daylight Saving Time begins March 8, and while you just have to change a few clocks at your house, dozens have to be moved forward on campus.

Director of technology Mr. Brian Haselby said in an email interview that the school clocks are being reset “either Sunday night or when we come in for school on Monday. It’s usually an hour before school starts.” The process to reset the clocks is not manual. Haselby said, “Our public address system is tied together with our clocks. There is a piece of software that controls the setting of the clocks.”

Because the system is not manual, the time to reset all of the school clocks does not take long. Haselby said, “Once I log in, the system is changed in one second all across campus.”