School nurse offers spring break cruise advice

Odds are good she won’t be on the same ship as you

Gracie Carr

School nurse Mrs. Courtney Jennings-Sood works in her office on Feb. 27.

The coronavirus has made its way out of China and onto cruise ships.

A major cruise ship in Japan is only the first to be docked while health officials are trying to help control the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. This is causing many issues for multiple soon-to-be travelers over spring break. 

For any students planning on going on a cruise over the break, school nurse Mrs. Jennings-Sood said, “My personal opinion is to cancel the trip. I wouldn’t go. There are just too many chances to get infected.”

The rapidly spreading coronavirus is already causing issues for the cruise line industry. Companies are forced to cancel and rearrange cruises to ensure the safety of passengers.

As for the people already on cruise ships, Jennings-Sood said, “I would suspect that people are angry that they’ve spent the money to go on the cruise and then they get to spend it in quarantine.”

Even people off of the cruise ships are being affected by the virus outbreak. On one cruise ship, people were released after getting the all-clear to leave. After this happened, the number of corona virus victims increased significantly.

People on and off of the cruise ships are being exposed to it. Jennings-Sood said, “I can imagine that there is a lot of fear and anxiety on those ships. It’s probably complete chaos.”

The cruise ships are hotbeds for germs, not only for the coronavirus, but many different diseases from around the globe enter the ships. Jennings-Sood said, “I would want the fastest way out of there.”