Senior Class will head to the IRT on March 12

Trip to see drama production is an annual tradition

Will Browning

The seniors, including those enrolled in Mrs. Liz Browning’s E period class, will take a field trip to the Indiana Repertory Theatre on May 12.

Every year, the Senior Class goes on a trip to visit the Indiana Repertory Theatre. This year, they will go to the theatre and see “Murder On The Orient Express” by Agatha Christie. 

English teacher Mrs. Jennifer Shevlin said, “This is an annual trip and takes the seniors to a professional play. The trip to the IRT helps students see drama on its feet. I’m sure that for every single year of English, they read at least one play. While there is huge value to reading (drama) in its printed form, theatre is meant to be seen on its feet.”

Students are told to dress up in the typical dress code, while they may also wear their college sweatshirts. The trip is part of the senior year tuition fees, and students are brought to the theatre by bus. 

“I think that there is something to be said in the fellowship of going off campus as a Cathedral family. We represent the positive attitude of our school,” Shevlin said.

Mrs. Lizabeth Bradshaw, English teacher and director of arts and humanities, said, “It’s a senior tradition to have this cultural theatre trip as a capstone of all their English classes.”

To make sure students learn something from the experience, Shevlin said that English teachers have the seniors work on a writing assignment as a reflection on what all they learned and did during the trip.

Last year, the seniors went to the IRT and saw the play “Sherlock Holmes.” Due to the theatre being a professional one, many of the actors will be the same. 

Both Bradshaw and Shevlin go on the trip annually and share their experiences. “I think it’s amazing. It can be hard for English classes to get up and out of your seats, and it allows the seniors to do that. Plus, I just love theatre,” Shevlin said. 

Bradshaw said, “It definitely broadens everyone’s horizons and allows us to celebrate both the arts and their class. Some people haven’t ever been there and some don’t go Downtown. So it lets them see all the arts Indianapolis has to offer before the seniors go off to college.”

The IRT is on 140 W. Washington St. and seniors will make this year’s trip on March 12. Members of the Class of 2020 should keep an eye on the student newsletter for details about buses and schedules for further information.