Plans for spring break mission trip finalized

Fr. Godecker will be among adults making the journey

Gracie Carr

During flex on Feb. 24 in the Shiel Student Life Center, Mrs. Shannon Fox met with students who are participating in this year’s spring break mission trip.

The annual spring break mission trip to South Carolina is on for the 20th year, as students who are participating attended an information meeting during flex on Feb. 24. All 70 spots for the trip are filled. 

Staff and chaperones will include Fr. Jeff Godecker, Mrs. Charlene Witka, Mr. Howard Fogel, Mr. Mike Miller, Mrs. Beth Wissler, and Mrs. Sara Bozzelli-Levine, and Mrs. Colleen O’Brien Teasley. Cathedral parents are Mr. Mark Levine, Mrs. Jacque McNulty, Mrs. Lisa Pluckebaum, and Mr. Richard Pluckebaum, led by Mrs. Shannon Fox ‘80.

Chaperones will select work groups and will work right alongside the students. Other tasks the chaperones will be in charge of are participating in evening reflections, helping supervise students during free time and socializing with students during community time. Fox said, “It’s a long week for chaperones, but a great chance connecting and really getting to know students.”

The biggest change this year will be that the volunteers will work with a different parish. Fox said, “We are very excited to volunteer with the Paraclete Foundation that is part of Holy Spirit Parish on Johns Island, South Carolina.” The Witchgers, a Cathedral family, have been involved with this parish for several years. 

Fox recommends going because by the end of the trip the students will be surprised by how much they get out of the trip and not just service hours. Students also form new friendships as well as with those they volunteer and serve. They will also get to experience Southern culture, and there will be down time at the beach.

Since Fr. John Zahn’s passing, it has been four years since a priest has attended the mission trip. This year we are very excited to have Fr. Godecker will be in attendance. There will also be 21 seniors going on the trip, including Katie Darragh, Anne Getz, Jack Khonwai, Jack Lindner and Caroline Steiger, who will finish out their high school experience as four-year spring mission trip participants.