All student slots for ShamrAuction have been filled

Feb. 29 event will raise funds for scholarships, tuition support

Cathedran file photo

ShamrAuction attendees enjoyed last year’s event in the Welch Activity Center.

All student volunteer spots for the Feb. 29 ShamrAuction fund-raiser have been filled, according to director of events Ms. Carrie O’Brien.

Students volunteers will fill the numerous jobs it takes to run the event, including event assistant, beach friends and greeters, raffle ticket sellers and coat check workers. A large majority of students will receive either service hours or a National Honor Society point. 

The ShamrAuction, one of the largest private school fund-raisers in the Midwest, provides tuition support and scholarships for Cathedral students, as well as having a specific fund-raiser each year that takes place the night of the event. Because of the time needed to transform Kelly Hall for the event, classes will not meet on Friday, Feb. 28.