Couples celebrate Valentine’s Day

The dinner and movie date night is a standard option

It is that time of year again. Hope your dinner reservations, box of chocolates and your bouquet of flowers are ready to go because it is Valentine’s Day.

This is the perfect moment to spend time with your loved ones and thank them for being in your life. 

Many people spend Valentine’s Day in different ways. They may go enjoy dinner at a fancy restaurant, buy tickets for the movie they have been wanting to see, or simply just spend time with each other.

Senior couple Taryn Buford and Nick Hruskoci are planning on spending Valentine’s Day together as they will go out to dinner and then see a movie. They are not sure which film they are seeing yet, so if you see them in the hallway, make sure to give them some suggestions.

Another senior couple, Jessica Moore and Sam Vander Missen, are pushing their Valentine’s Day plans to Saturday. “We’re going to a restaurant called Union 50 on Saturday, instead of Valentine’s Day, and we (will) have desserts,” said Moore.

Moore commented that she thinks some of her friends are also going out to dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day. 

She finds this holiday to be special because “it’s all about all love (and) love is like communication.” Moore said she believes it’s important to have communication between people, whether it’s giving someone a hug or just saying hi to someone in the hallway.

Taking Moore’s advice, show your appreciation for those you love this Valentine’s Day. Buy them some candy or a card, better yet, get them a candy gram on your way to lunch.