School to host STEM conference on Feb. 22

Fifth- through eighth-graders may participate

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Promotional material provides information about the Feb. 22 STEM conference.

The school will host its first STEM conference for fifth through eighth graders on Feb. 22.

Assistant director for enrollment Mrs. Elizabeth Wissler wrote in email, “We are inviting students to come to our campus and experience STEM in many different ways. There will be different breakout sessions throughout the morning, and the conference is from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. including lunch. Many of our science, math and STEM teachers are participating,”

Sessions will take place in the atrium and auditorium and the teaching workshops will take place in individual classrooms. Wissler said, “Cathedral is so excited about breaking ground for our Innovation Center. What better way to celebrate than to invite students to our campus and start experiencing all things STEM. We are so lucky to have such a great staff and facility to share with our neighboring community.” 

For more information about this conference, for which each participant pays $50, is available on this page on the school website.