Study skills class provides instruction for freshmen

Courses focuses on time management, brain function

Nic Napier

Mrs. Sheila Roberts assists a student with a writing assignment for a class.

The learning resource center, commonly referred to as the LRC, has helped numerous students over the years deal with organization, learning disabilities and simply managing high school. Some may be familiar with having a resource in the LRC but may not be aware that it also now acts as a class for some incoming freshmen.

Director of Learning Resource Mrs. Sheila Roberts came up with the idea for a study skills class, which acts as a mix of both a resource and a class for freshman. This class, she said, “was created out of a need to put freshmen in a class with each other so that they can all review the same types of study skills.”

Roberts said she believes this class is helpful in developing executive functioning skills such as time management and organization, which are vital for any high school student.

During the course, students garner various skills and tips that they can keep with them throughout high school. Roberts said, “In a nutshell, some of the things we have gone over are how the brain functions, brain science, memory skills and memory games, self-advocacy skills, how to write an email (and) how to communicate with teachers.”

This course is only available to certain incoming freshmen based off their learning needs, teacher recommendations or parental requests, but Roberts hopes that in the future the tools learned in her class can be mixed into the general curriculum.

Roberts is currently the only teacher who instructs this course, but she said that she has some senior mentors who help her out. “I would have the seniors come up with a lesson once a week, or on Fridays the seniors would just do something fun with them,” Roberts noted.

Overall, Roberts said she thinks that the course truly aids students in terms of creating new study habits and, as she says, “learning how to be a better self-advocate.”