Enrollment office offers second sibling shadow day

Second event of the school year scheduled for Jan. 30

A mass shadow day, such as last year's sibling event, will not occur this year, but students still can spend a day on campus.

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A mass shadow day, such as last year’s sibling event, will not occur this year, but students still can spend a day on campus.

The school will offer another sibling shadow day, but this time both seventh and eighth graders are invited to participate.

“Any seventh or eighth grade sibling of a current CHS student is being invited in to shadow, and they get a special shirt for being here,” said Mrs. Beth Wissler, assistant director for enrollment management.

This is the first year the school has offered an event such as this, as it held its first sibling shadow day in the fall, during which more than 60 siblings came to visit, but only eighth graders were allowed to attend. Wissler said, “This is a fun day dedicated to family, Cathedral’s theme for the year. This is a special day where current students get to share their love of Cathedral with their younger siblings,” said Wissler.

The shadow day will take place Jan. 30 during Winterfest week. Parents can go online to sign up at http://gocathedral.com/sibsshadow