Principal looks forward to new role

Worland will serve as vice president for mission, advancement

Cathedran file photo

Principal Mr. Dave Worland attends the induction of new National Honor Society members last spring.

Students are not the only people on campus adjusting to changes as a new semester begins.

Principal Mr. Dave Worland has accepted the position of senior vice president for mission and advancement. As part of the school’s advancement team, he will play a pivotal role in promoting the school’s mission to the community as well as raising funds.

As the school continues its search for its next principal, Worland will serve as principal until a new one is hired.

After leading the Cathedral family for nearly two decades, Worland has been both a catalyst and witness for many changes on campus. “Becoming more connected and affiliated with Holy Cross has been such a positive movement for our school,” he said. “We were very intentional in fully embracing the Holy Cross values, which has helped our community become stronger and more connected to our faith and living out our mission.”

With plans for the construction of the new Innovation Center well underway, Worland said he believes this is one way that the school has shown that “we will continue to be a school who leads and paves the path in innovation.”

Overseeing an entire school community from the principal’s office is certainly not always easy, but Worland testifies to the fact that any challenges that he faced were well worth it, and not insurmountable. “Sometimes,” he said, “the most difficult thing for me to do was to step back and out of the way, and empower the great people I have hired over the years to do their good work. I would often have to remind myself that I was not a specialist, but a generalist. This was a lesson that was vital for the success of our school.”

One aspect of the job that he has enjoyed most about being immersed in the Cathedral family is the support system that exists here. When challenges inevitably arise, Worland said he is is thankful for “how well everyone supports one another; we all know that we never go through these ups and downs alone.”

Over the years, Worland has been an instrumental supporter of the Cathedral family by showing up at sporting events, theater performances, academic competitions and numerous other after-school events.

As for his many fond memories of his time at Cathedral thus far, they all have one thing in common: “They have all resulted in wonderful relationships being built among students, parents, educators and Cathedral supporters,” he said.

As he begins his new role, Worland said he is eager to represent Cathedral and advocate for the “goodness and successes to celebrate here.” He added, “I am most excited to continue to build relationships with our Cathedral family, while maybe at a different capacity, I cannot wait to share our mission and vision.”

For those who know and love him, he will not cease to be a familiar face around campus. As the school celebrates Worland’s tenure principal, graduates and current students are thankful that it is not a true goodbye.

He said, “It has been a privilege meeting and getting to know countless students and watching them grow into the most awesome adults and citizens of the world. I have been honored to have a position that has allowed me to live out my faith every day. Serving as a principal was never just a job, (but) rather a vocation.”