Friday the 13th: Unlucky just before finals?

Not so fast, theology teachers say

Cathedran file photo

A full moon illuminated the courtyard on the morning of Dec. 12.

As the semester comes to a close, final review is in full swing. Yet during this week some students at school are feeling uneasy about the number of bad omens concurring right before exams. On Dec. 12 a full moon loomed over the school, and Friday the 13th marks the final day before finals begin. 

Superstition following full moons traditionally states that full moons drive people to madness. Like most folklore, there are tracings of logic involved with the belief. In the case of full moons, it is believed that because the human body is made up of so much water the moon will influence he body, similar to how the moon can affect water on Earth. 

Friday the 13th is traditionally associated with bad luck as well. The fear of the number 13 dates all the way back to one of the world’s oldest legal documents, the Code of Hammurabi, which omits a 13th law from its list of legal laws. In fact, the fear of the number 13 has even earned a psychological term: triskaidekaphobia. 

When asked about how she felt that the last day before finals is a Friday the 13th, junior Ellie Sagebiel said, “Oh, shoot. I feel like it definitely has some bad energy, especially with the full moon last night. It could just throw kids off.”

Senior Lila Welch also admits to feeling uneasy about the occurrences saying, “Dang that’s creepy. I don’t like that.” 

However, theology teacher Mr. Matthew Cannaday sheds light on the Catholic Church’s teaching on superstition in hopes of easing students’ minds.

He explains, saying, “It misplaces power and truth. If you wake up (on Dec. 13) and you are looking around every corner for something bad about to happen because of a date on a calendar, that is idolization because what you’ve said is God no longer controls this day. God no longer has power over this day. This day somehow has power over this day, and that doesn’t make sense. God is ultimately revealed truth, and He tells us to put all of our trust in Him. I have nothing to fear at all, any day, let alone just because a day is called Friday the 13th and there was a full moon.” 

Theology teacher Mrs. Cece Kasberg ’83 echoes Cannaday’s sentiments, saying, “Catholics don’t believe in luck. They believe in divine providence.” 

However, regardless of what you believe, chances are you did feel like you were going slightly crazy on Dec. 12 as you stayed up well after the full moon was in the sky to study for your upcoming finals, and chances are you will feel unlucky when you remember we have all classes and no flex period on Dec. 13, but remember to finish strong and not let bad omens get in the way of you and an A.