Late starts scheduled for all four exam days

Adjustment will especially benefit extended time testing

Cathedran file photo

The Learning Resource Center in Loretto Hall will be one of the sites for extended time testing during final exams.

Finals will start and end at later times this semester than has been the case in previous years. 

This change has been enacted largely because of the need to adjust exam periods for extended time students. Director of Language Support Mr. Brian gross wrote in an email, “The change in time will help the extended time students in a couple of ways. First, for students taking the first final of the day, which would be alpha (Dec. 16), B (Dec. 17), D (Dec. 18), and F (Dec. 19), with extended time, they would start their first final at 7:45 a.m. instead of 7:10 a.m. 

This adjustment in start time helps not only students, but parents and teachers as well, Gross said, as it “means that carpooling to school does not need to change, parents don’t need to drive the younger students to school earlier than normal, and that students with extended time can continue to take the buses like they have been all year. This also means that the staff who proctor the tests have a little more time in the morning to get everything coordinated.”

Not only will extended time students benefit  by this later start time, but it will help all students perform their best on final exams Gross said, “This will be good for all of our students, however. Studies routinely confirm that later start times of the school day lead to higher levels of academic success. 

“While it’s only during finals week, that is definitely a high stress time that students could use the boost during. In addition, this will make more time available in the morning for students to meet with teachers, ask last minute questions, turn in late assignments, and generally feel more prepared for their tests.”