Lumberjack Club plans upcoming meetings

More than just eating pancakes, president says

Gracie Carr

Lincoln Square serves as the site of Lumberjack Club meetings.

Do you like indulging in some delicious pancakes? Do you wish that somehow there was a group of people that got together just to eat mouth-watering breakfast food while enjoying each other’s company?

You’re in luck, because Lumberjack Club may be the perfect student group for you.

In an email, club presidents and seniors Marcelle Blanchet, Kate Morris and Kaleb Wasmuth announced that Lumberjack Club, dedicated to eating breakfast food with peers, was back in business.

All those involved in the club take time out of their schedules to eat at Lincoln Square, a familiar landmark just down the street from campus. 

Blanchet says the club is “about getting the Cathedral family together at Lincoln Square on certain late start days and having breakfast together.”

When the club meets at Lincoln Square, Blanchet said there are usually around 12 to 15  people who show up. She added that most of the people who attend are not just from one grade.

Lincoln Square was the chosen destination for the club because it is an easy commute for hungry teenagers early in the morning. Usually when you think of Lumberjack Club, Lincoln Square comes to mind, says Blanchet.

Lumberjack Club had taken a break for a year after the departure of Dr. Thomas Greer, who served as the club moderator. Blanchet and the other senior presidents took notice that the club had died out and wanted to make a change.

“Kaleb, Kate and I actually were thinking about joining the club and then realized it wasn’t a thing, so then we were like we still want it to be one,” Blanchet said. 

If you are interested in joining, Blanchet encourages you because “it’s an extra thing outside of school where you can actually talk to people before the school day and it’s more bonding time with others and (you) get to know other people.”

The club only has two more meetings before the end of the semester, one on Dec. 10 and one during finals week on Dec. 18

Wasmuth wrote in an email that $15 should suffice any desire you may have in terms of ordering food off the menu. He reminds anyone who joins to always be respectful toward the staff at Lincoln Square.

Make sure to RSVP if you are interested in attending. 

As Blanchet noted, “It’s all about family.” So don’t be afraid to come out and enjoy delicious food. 

Senior Mary White will most likely be there as she says chocolate chip pancakes are her favorite item on the menu.