Sophomores prepare for Dec. 2 ring ceremony

Event will take place during the school day

Cathedran file photo

The Sophomore Class ring ceremony will take place on Dec. 2.

The Sophomore Mass and ring ceremony has been a tradition at school for many years. During the Mass, the priest blesses the rings and the sophomores who wear them, granting that they may continue their four-year high school journey with pride and success. 

Traditionally, the ceremony would occur on a Sunday in December at Cathedral. For the most part, families of the sophomores who bought a ring and select teachers attended the event. The school only recognized the students who bought a ring, and so the sophomores who did not get a ring did not attend. 

However, “There have been some significant changes made to this special occasion in order to give it the attention it deserves,” said Mr. Principal Dave Worland. 

This year the ceremony will take place during the school day on Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. There will be a special schedule implemented in order to provide time for the celebration. Dec. 2 is the same day that the entire Senior Class is off campus for Mass. 

This year only approximately 60 of the 251 students in the Sophomore Class ordered a class ring. However, according to class co-moderator Mrs. Cece Kasberg, “Everyone is going to get a pin this year. It will be a special Class of 2022 pin that they can put on their lanyard.” That way every sophomore will be recognized. “The boxes are going to be identical whether you got a ring or a pin. If you get a ring, you’ll also get a pin” said Kasberg. 

Kasberg said the goal of the Mass is to give the sophomores an opportunity to “gel.” She said, “All the sophomores will be present and everyone is going to go up and get recognized whether you bought a ring or not because it’s not really about that. It’s an opportunity to come together.”

Likewise school officials hope that the change of time will allow for an increase in attendance, and so Worland is strongly encouraging students to invite their parents to attend, as well as any family members who would like to share in the tradition. 

There was a mandatory practice on Nov. 22 during flex in the Mimms Gym. Sophomores lined up in the order they will process into the auditorium. On the day of the Mass, students are expected to be in the Mimms Gym at 1:45 p.m. Worland asks that students leave their backpacks and phones in their F period classes. 

Students may dress in Cathedral uniforms or their Sunday best. Worland asks that those who come in Sunday’s best come to school already dressed, and he reminds those who choose to dress in a uniform that the only approved outer layer is the Cathedral sweatshirt or fleece. Lanyards are always expected. 

Kasberg said, “I think that they are awesome changes. I think that it is a more high visibility event.” she shares her hope that “everyone will have a good attitude about it and that they can come together and do this together as a class.”