Winter sports preview: Men’s basketball

Team to open season on Nov. 26 at Howe

Will Browning

The men’s varsity basketball team will have to replace Armaan Franklin ’19, who now plays for Indiana University’s Hoosiers.

Head Coach Mr. Jason Delaney provided his response to questions about the men’s varsity basketball team and the upcoming season.

Q: The Irish open the regular season on Nov. 26 at Howe. What you anticipate the strengths of this year’s team to be?

A: I think our strengths will be chemistry, effort, and we hope as the season progresses that we are a tough team. We talk about the term toughness meaning do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

Q: Who do you anticipate starting, and in what positions? Of these starters, who are the captains?

A: We have not voted the captains yet. The starting line-up can change due to the many injuries and (we are) waiting on a blocked transfer until January. We were missing six varsity players for the scrimmage vs Pike.

Q: Armaan Franklin ‘19 is now playing for the Hoosiers at Indiana University. How does the team replace a player of his skills and talents?

A: I don’ t think you can replace a player of Armaan’s stature because he did so many great things on both ends of the floor. We just need guys to do their jobs better than anyone else could do them. I say we are very young and talented because of the experience level and for many of our players their age. We believe this year will catapult us to the highest level in the next couple of years.

Q: What goals has the team established for this season?

A: I think the biggest goals are that there is no drop off from graduating six seniors who made up about 90% of our stats, winning a fourth straight City championship, and making a run in the state tournament.

Q: This year’s home schedule is especially strong. What teams are the Irish most looking forward to hosting at the WAC this year?

A: I think all of them because it is such a strong home schedule that fans will definitely get to see their money’s worth.

Men’s basketball coaching staff: Mr. Jason Delaney, head coach; Mr. Matt Jones, varsity assistant; Mr. Aundrey Wright, varsity assistant; Mr. Michael O’Bryan ’95, varsity assistant/director of analytics; Mr. Ryan Gold, freshman coach; Mr. Sam Neighbours, assistant freshman coach