Peer mentor applications are due Nov. 7

Juniors now will enroll in class second semester

Mrs. Katie Klee has an

The due date for peer mentor applications is Nov. 7 and theology teacher and co-director of freshman experience Ms. Katie Klee provided her insights on the program, which now will involve juniors in a peer mentor class during their second semester. 

Every member of the Junior Class was emailed the peer mentor application on Oct. 21.

“The program began years ago as a way to help freshmen acclimate to Cathedral, grow to love Cathedral and ultimately stay here. Each year we continue to build upon this with the hopes that through this program all freshmen will make a smooth transition to Cathedral, will know they are loved and supported by their peer mentor and by the school, and will help them grow into the portrait of a graduate,” Klee said. 

The application process may be a little more involved than one might expect, but teachers who coordinate the program want to make sure the students they choose are the best fit for the program. 

“We are generally looking for students who are self-motivated, proactive, act with integrity, are enthusiastic and passionate about Cathedral, are upstanding in character and faith, and model what it means to be a Cathedral student socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually and academically. The Freshmen Class will have a variety of personalities, interests and talents, and we are looking for a group of seniors who can speak to and complement those,” Klee said.

A new change has been made to the program this year though, there will be a peer mentor preparation class that will take place second semester of junior year which will fulfill the theology requirement for junior spring and senior fall.

Once mentors are selected, they will be placed into the class which will include leadership-building training, faith-based training, suicide prevention training, training in the portrait of a graduate curriculum and others that have yet to be determined. The class will also include the theology that the students would have  learned in the traditional theology class.

If anyone has any questions regarding the program contact Mr. Howard Fogel or Klee for more information.