Open House tour guides needed for Nov. 14 event

Students from all four grades encouraged to volunteer

Katie Darragh

Students were able to take home signs that advertise the upcoming Open House.

On Nov. 14, the admissions/enrollment office, along with the entire school, will host an estimated 500 families to campus for what Mrs. Maribeth Cloud ‘86, enrollment counselor, says is “one of the biggest nights of the year for our school,” the annual Open House. 

Open House offers an opportunity for new families to get to know the school and learn about all it offers to potential students. The main part of the visit consists of a tour by students that provides a general look of the campus.

However, in order to make these tours possible, the admissions team needs students in all four grades to serve as tour guides. In an email, Cloud said that she is looking for at least 400 tour guides. 

“How do you sign up? It’s easy!” Cloud said, Students simply have to look for her email that includes a link to the Google doc titled “Open House 2019 Tour Guide Registration.” The five-question form inquires name, grade, and if you have the ability to speak Spanish or sign American Sign Language. “We hope to match tour guides with potential students (and) families based upon interests,” said Cloud. Therefore, in addition, students will also be asked which areas of the school they know exceptionally well. 

There is some exciting coming up for tour guides. This year tour guide will be offered an incentive for participating. Thanks to President Dr. Robert Bridges and Chief Financial Officer Ms. Colleen O’Brien-Teasley, guides will be entered into a drawing to win $100 credit toward their lunch account. Three names will be drawn and announced on Nov. 15. 

Moreover, Principal Mr. Dave Worland and Christian Service Administrator Mrs. Shannon Fox ’80 have offered to increase the Christian Service hours credit to three. Members of the National Honor Society must choose between a NHS credit or the school hours.

Also, this year a pizza dinner will be served to all student tour guides after the Open House from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., in the cafeteria.

Students are asked to sign up by Oct. 25 to be a tour guide. Training will take place on Nov. 11 during flex in the auditorium and is mandatory for all students who have signed up.