New touchscreen display highlights excellence

Interactive monitor showcases school’s history

Nic Napier

Another interactive touch screen similar to this one in Kelly Hall will be installed across from the school president’s office.

Similar to other interactive display boards seen around campus, a new touchscreen display across from the office of President Dr. Rob Bridges is now in the works. 

Director of Marketing Ms. Grace Rodecap wrote in an email, “The purpose of the display is to showcase our Circle of Excellence inductees and our Bishop Chartrand recipients.”

The Circle of Excellence, Rodecap noted, honors those who have displayed the Holy Cross core values in their actions and those who have highlighted the Cathedral High School name through their work. Rodecap added, “The Bishop Chartrand Award is the highest award given by Cathedral High School. You can find the 25 recipients of this prestigious honor on the touchscreen display.” 

In an effort to make the viewing of the honors easier, Rodecap and others on the marketing team decided that a touchscreen was the best avenue to view the accomplishments during the school’s past. Rodecap said she wanted this to be a perfect display of the accomplishments of those who have shown a positive light on the high school.

“This display is special because it highlights Cathedral’s rich past and those who have gone above and beyond to contribute to Cathedral High School’s long tradition of excellence,” she said.

The touchscreen was crafted by Rodecap along with webmaster Mr. Tyler McClure and Mr. Ben Pawelak, who servers as the director of database operations and advancement communications. 

Make sure to stop by and take a look at the award recipients and role models. Maybe you could someday be on that display as well.