Financial aid information night is Oct. 7

Session will provide details about FAFSA filing, deadlines

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The counseling center has changed its approach to college rep visits this year.

With college application due dates drawing closer and closer for the Senior Class, the counseling department is taking every opportunity  to aid students and their families with the college application process.

On Oct. 7 from 6:30 to 8 p.m., the counselors will host the school’s annual financial aid night for parents of seniors applying to college this year. This program will take place in the cafeteria in the basement of Kelly Hall and will be highlighted by a representative from INvestEd, who will review the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and discuss applying for scholarships and the process of reviewing college award letters.

INvestED is a program that “has been providing students and their parents with solutions to help put higher education within reach,” according to its website.

The counseling office recommends that all families complete a FAFSA, so this session will be helpful for those who have questions or concerns about the FAFSA or other ways to obtain financial aid for college. The FAFSA application opened on Oct. 1, and the federal deadline for online applications is midnight (Central time) on June 30, 2020.The Indiana deadline is April 15, but the state recommends that families submit the applications as soon as possible in order to get maximum consideration for state aid.

Finally, the counseling office advises to check with the colleges you are interested in attending. Students may also want to ask their potential college about its definition of an application deadline – whether it is the date the college receives your FAFSA or the date your FAFSA is processed.

All of this information and more will be covered during the Oct. 7 meeting. Families of seniors are encouraged to attend, and those who cannot make it should contact the counseling office for more information.