Annual raffle ticket sales wrap up

Submission deadline is Sept. 27 at 9 a.m.

Jameson Browne

Students who miss the C period raffle ticket collections on Sept. 24 and Sept. 25 should take tickets to Mr. Howard Fogel in Room 4335.

Through the week of Sept. 27, the annual raffle ticket sales collection will end. In an email to the student body , chemistry teacher Mr. Howard Fogel, who coordinates the annual sales, made sure to let students know that tickets would be collected in C Period classes on Sept. 24 and Sept. 25. All tickets collected by Sept. 25 will count toward spirit points for Homecoming. Ticket collection on Sept. 26 will only take place in Fogel’s classroom (Room 4335).The final collection day will be Sept. 27, also in Fogel’s room. Tickets must be turned in by 9:30 a.m on that day in order to receive credit for the raffle free day.