Writing center now open in Loretto

Seniors will provide academic assistance

Cathedran file photo

Because social distancing is not possible in the current Writing Center in Loretto Hall, tutoring sessions will take place via Zoom this year.

Are you struggling with writing your English paper that is due the next period? Are you confused on grammar? Well, don’t worry, as there is an answer to most — if not all – of your concerns as the writing center, is now open for business.

On Sept. 9, the writing center officially opened after English teachers Mrs. Liz Browning and Mr. Jim Hanna finalized the list of this year’s writing center senior tutors. 

If you need help with any English related issue or just need help writing  that six-page research paper, come to the writing center. Seniors and an English teacher will be there prepared to help you with whatever you need.

The writing center is open during flex other than on Day 3 when counties meet and on Days 2 and Day 5 when Mass is celebrated. To sign up for an appointment, write your name on the schedule that is posted on the writing center door, Room 2311 in Loretto Hall.

Browning said that the writing center is helpful for two reasons. “First of all, (the purpose of the writing Center) is to give the tutors experience. They are confident writers, but they need to have experience talking to peers and to other students. Many of them will go to work in writing centers in college. It’s a great training ground for us, but it’s also an opportunity for students to go and get feedback and get help in their writing,” she said. 

Browning added that most of the seniors working in the writing center will work about seven or eight times throughout the whole semester. She said there seemed to be a lot of applicants for tutors this year, although she is unsure if the numbers are typical or not because this is her first year taking over for the writing center since former English teacher Mrs. Kathy Keyes retired. 

Her words for students who may need help with their writing are simple. She said, “Please come use (the writing center). I would like to see other departments represented by students coming in with assignments, and it’s not something you have to wait until the entire paper is finished. They can come and get inspiration, ideas or have somebody look at one portion of it. You have to be vulnerable and be brave. (The paper) can be anything.”