Vice principal says farewell to Cathedral

Kubuske will teach physical science at Green Bay East High

Lauryn Woods

At the conclusion of Mass on Aug. 15 in the Welch Activity Center, Vice Principal Mr. Jere Kubuske receives the traditional Irish blessing from the students, faculty and staff. Kubukse has accepted a teaching position in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Vice Principal Mr. Jere Kubuske announced through an email on Aug. 15 that he he will be leaving the school. He has served in an administrative position for a year now after several years working as a freshman biology teacher.

In the email he wrote, “My wife was recently hired as the new head softball coach at the University of Wisconsin/Green Bay, and we are moving our family there to support her on this exciting new chapter in her career.”

In an interview on Aug. 15, Kubuske noted that it was an extremely tough decision to leave, one of the hardest he has ever had to make. He said, “I love this school. I love the kids. Cathedral has been really good to me and my family.”

Before Kubuske actually started teaching here he worked at Ben Davis High School while coaching football here. He said the students were one of the reasons why he moved from Ben Davis to teach here. “Being around the kids on the football team and the spirit that the kids showed at the football games, it was an infectious culture, and it was something I wanted to be a part of.”

He also mentioned his love for the administration here, saying, “I love the people I work with. I work with some amazing educators. Everybody cares so much about everybody’s well-being. It’s amazing to me.”

Although Kubuske will be leaving, he won’t forget the traditions of our school, saying, “When I was at Ben Davis we didn’t really have assemblies, there really weren’t traditions necessarily that the school did on a regular basis. The fact that we can kind of balance all those things here, we can have traditions, we can be in Mass, we can go to school assemblies, we can be in the classroom, it all works. It all works because of the people.”

He added that as vice principal he hopes he made an impact on the students and administrators. Kubuske said, “I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot and I’ve met goals that I have set for myself. I do feel like I made a contribution, or at least I hope I did, to the school and to the kids.”

After Kubuske departs, the administration team will gather and discuss how they will fill Kubuske’s postion. Ms. Kathy Saum, the vice principal for student conduct and attendance issues, will take over several of Kubuske’s roles going forward.

Kubuske said that his future will involve a job at Green Bay East High School, where he will teach physical science. If the school has other opportunities for him such as being a vice principal, he mentioned he will have to see what happens. “I am not a planner, my wife (Sara) will tell you. I don’t know. We’ll see what comes. I’m open to life’s opportunities and I’ll roll with the punches.”

Kubuske added in the interview that he first switched from a biology teacher to a vice principal because he wanted to help more kids and teachers.

“I felt I had an opportunity to serve the entire school community as an administrator as opposed to just 150 or so kids all on a daily basis in a classroom. I love teaching. I am actually kind of excited to get back into the classroom. I feel really good inside when I get to do things from my seat that impact people’s lives that have no idea that I even had a role in it. There were things put into place for you that you don’t even know or realize I did for you.”

Although his departure will be a loss, Kubuske will always have a place in the hearts of his students in his role as a teacher and administrator. He will certainly be remembered for the lanyards and even said this about taking his lanyard to Wisconsin. He said, “Absolutely. I might take all the colors, actually.”

His final words of the interview echo the kind of person he was.

Kubuske, “I hope people realize how much this school means to me. I hope they realize why I’m leaving. I really appreciated the Irish blessing (at the Aug. 15 Mass) and I just want to thank everybody for allowing me to serve them.”

Editor’s note: On behalf of the Megaphone staff, we would like to personally thank Mr. Kubuske for everything he has done at Cathedral. His service has been exceptional and his wisdom has influenced everyone here on campus. We wish him and his family the best of luck as they all journey into their future. You will most certainly be missed. Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts.