Muffin gets fired up for summer vacation

But she’ll really, really miss you

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Muffin looks forward to the summer.

Muffin, the school’s official dog, is as ready for the summer as you are.

Mrs. Mary Hemer ‘09, counselor, women’s volleyball coach and Muffin’s “mom,” reviewed the pup’s vacation plans.

Hemer first adopted Muffin almost four years ago in September, 2016 and since then, Muffin has been a part the school community.

Muffin’s day-to-day life on campus starts off with Muffin making her rounds around the counseling department. Greeting the students in the morning who are sitting outside the offices as well as registrar and testing coordinator Ms. Erin Bethuram at the front desk.

Then she makes her way to Ms. Kathy Pivonka’s office to get a few licks of peanut butter every morning. “After the morning basically she’s free to roam and follows me around. The only time she’s baby-gated in would be during lunch so she doesn’t beg people for food. Otherwise she just stares at them,” Hemer said.

Muffin definitely gets bored when everyone is on summer break, Hemer said. “You can tell how much she misses the interaction with people by how she reacts when she does get to see people or when she finally does get to come back into school. She cannot get in the building fast enough, she’s so ready to see her people,” Hemer said.

She said that Muffin will spend a lot of her time during the summer at her “Gramfers’” house, referring to Hemer’s parents. She said, “She’ll probably spend a lot of time there adventuring. And we will probably make some appearances at volleyball camps, and really just honestly living her best life. I want to come back as one of my family member’s dogs in some next life because she really lives her best life all the time.”