Community service hours deadline extended

Students now have until May 15

Caroline Steiger

Students who went on the spring break mission trip completed their hours for the school year during their days in South Carolina.

The deadline for completing and submitting service hours has now been extended to May 15 for all four grades.

Mrs. Shannon Fox ‘80, administrator for Christian service, said she is hopeful that seniors will use this time do finish up their hours and be able to receive their diploma at graduation. “If you do not finish all hours by graduation and do not receive your diploma it will be held until all hours are submitted,” Fox said.

Students are not allowed to miss school to complete their hours. Fox said, “According to the Blue Book and as stated in the Christian service guidelines, students are not to leave school to complete service hours. Any hours completed during school hours will not be counted toward your Christian service hours requirement.”

This extra time should help students, especially seniors, complete and turn in their service hours which is a graduation requirement.

Fox has sent several emails to students providing them with more information about completing and recording their required service hours and encourages them to check their email if they have not done so recently.