Lanyard requirement is here to stay

Administration seeks to make ID use more common

Jonas Hollis

Vice Principal Mr. Jere Kubuske shakes the hand of a lanyard-wearing freshman at Winterfest.

With breaches in school security occurring across the nation and with the idea of keeping students and faculty safe, new measures were seen as a necessity. The now standard lanyard program was a key example of discernible safety features.

Vice Principal Mr. Jere Kubuske said, “For its ultimate purpose of being able to identify our students and trying to keep the school as safe as possible with people coming in and out of the building, it has been successful.” He said, “The fact that we’re still here in the fourth quarter and we have all our navy, green, orange and yellow lanyards on is a major sign.”

Kubsuke said one of the major steps in the program is a bigger emphasis on students wearing the lanyards, specifically lanyards with IDs. He said, “We as a school need to find more opportunities for an ID to be useful, like checking in and out of resource, or for sporting events.”

Kubsuke said new implementations will start on the administration’s end, but overall, he said he feels their a further recommitment to the lanyards in general will be on tap next August.

He said next year, the orange lanyards worn by sophomores could be changed, possibly to light blue or black. However, he said that it doesn’t necessarily make sense to change colors every year, because of pricing.

Kubsuke added that the student forums, including Cookies with Kubsuke, have been beneficial from his perspective. He said, “If students have ideas or problems with solutions, they should come.”